1834 Storm

During the great storm of 1834, Dominica was in the eye of the storm for several hours on the night of 20-21 September. The forests faced destruction as a result. The damage and disruption to estate production and trade in all quarters. The great Hurricane of 1834 followed within one month of emancipation at a time where social turmoil amplified problems of relief and recovery. There were losses in several parishes and the capital of Roseau, loans and grants to each as a result of the storm amounted to 90,418 pounds and 16s sterling to the former and 32, 104 pounds and 2s sterling for the latter. These amounts were agreed on 1 June 1835 and confirmed by Royal Acts on 3rd July and 31st August 1835, probably too late to be fully effective.

Source: https://goo.gl/WiSC52


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