Dr. Patrick Anglin

University Data Protection Officer 

Today February 1, marks the start of UWI Privacy Awareness Month.  Following the January 21-27 international observance of Data Privacy Week, as a world-class global university, we recognise the effort to raise awareness about the importance of respecting privacy, safeguarding data, and enabling trust as critical and deserving of sustained discourse. This is all led by the University Data Protection Office.

This year's Data Privacy Week theme was Take Control of Your Data. Modernisation has led to the proliferation of technology and its ease of deployment and use.  Oftentimes, this leads to a lack of vigilance.  Many forget that the convenience obtained by placing and leaving one’s personal information on a platform/device or in an app carries a risk.  Also, many relegate privacy concerns to the digital or online space, forgetting that manual (traditional) activities also have associated privacy risks. 

Again, following the message of the international theme, our UWI focus is on helping all of you, our staff and students to understand how the University is taking steps to secure your data and to comply with the various data protection legislation in the jurisdictions we serve, as well as how to protect yourself and others from privacy breaches, as well as informing them of their rights and responsibilities as data subjects—that’s how you take control of your data in an age of digital disruption.

The University Data Protection Office has planned an engaging month of activities to help you learn more about data protection and privacy and take control. Check out the calendar for details. I encourage you to pay close attention to:



Dr. Patrick Anglin

University Data Protection Officer 


UWI Data Privacy Day Month 2024