Blue Economy in the Caribbean
Blue Economy in the Caribbean
The University of the West Indies (UWI) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have partnered to respond to the challenges Caribbean Islands are facing when it comes to sustainable use of marine resources. This includes impacts on ocean-related sectors such as fisheries, research, tourism as well as maritime transport infrastructure.

The University of the West Indies (UWI) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have partnered to respond to the challenges Caribbean Islands are facing when it comes to sustainable use of marine resources. This includes impacts on ocean-related sectors such as fisheries, research, tourism as well as maritime transport infrastructure.
The Blue Economy proposal is a critical part of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by the partners late in 2019. At a strategic level the MOU provides for support to governments as they create public policies for economic diversification while still ensuring inclusive growth and sustainable development. The Blue Economy proposal is a paradigm shift that coordinates sectors instead of creating silos. Some of its primary benefits to the region’s maritime management efforts include:
- increased collaboration
- access to structural funding
- strategies for stimulating innovation
- capacity building
“The Caribbean Sea, around which approximately 115 million people live, accounts for 1% of the global ocean area and 14% of the global ocean economy. Partnership on the Blue Economy, like this venture with the UNDP, is therefore significant for our region. The UWI continues to demonstrate that universities must play a unique role in advancing the 2030 global development agenda as drivers of knowledge, innovation and development solutions...”
Professor Sir Hilary Beckles
Vice-Chancellor, UWI
“UNDP is proud to join forces with The University of West Indies and reaffirm its commitment to support Caribbean countries effectively leverage their ocean and coastal assets for economic and social development. This is not a pie in the sky, but rather very specific and concrete commitment to contribute to the implementation of the SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway and the SDG Agenda.”
Dr. Luis Felipe López Calva
UN Assistant Secretary-General &
UNDP Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean