
Jamaica Survey of Living Conditions

Jamaica Survey of Living Conditions



1. Title of Study

Jamaica Survey of Living Conditions (JSLC)

2. Local Archive(s) Where Study is Stored

a)  Derek Gordon Databank, Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies, UWI, Jamaica

b) Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN)

c) Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ)

3. Number of studies (data sets)

JSLC 1988 JSLC 1989  JSLC 1990 JSLC 1991 JSLC 1992 JSLC 1993 JSLC 1994 
JSLC 1995  JSLC 1996  JSLC 1997  JSLC 1998  JSLC 1999  JSLC 2000  JSLC 2001 JSLC 2002  JSLC 2003  JSLC 2004  JSLC 2005  JSLC 2006  JSLC 2007  JSLC 2008 JSLC 2009 JSLC 2010 JSLC2012 JSLC2013 JSLC2014 JSLC2015 JSLC2016 JSLC 2017 JSLC 2018 JSLC2019 JSLC2021 (links are to the questionnaires)

4. Depositor

Planning Institute of Jamaica 

5. Date (s) of deposit

1995 - 2011 

6. Principal Investigator(s)

Planning Institute of Jamaica 

7. Data collector

Statistical Institute of Jamaica 

8. Funding Agency

Government of Jamaica, World Bank, Dutch Government 


1. Research Topic (Abstract)

The JSLC gleans household and individual data  from a subset of the population covered by the Labour force  Survey. Information is collected on consumption, health, education,  nutrition, housing, demographic characteristics, and the Food  Stamp Programme. The main purpose of the survey is to provide the government with information for policy development and planning. Although modeled of the World Bank's Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) household surveys, it has a narrower focus and greater emphasis on policy impact. 

2. Subject Categories (main topics)

Core modules

•  General health of all householders 

•  Education of all household members 3 years and older 

•  Anthropometric measurements and immunisation data for all children 0-59 months 

•  Receipt of social assistance 

•  Daily expenses 

•  Food expenses including home production and food received as gifts 

•  Non-food consumption expenditure 

•  Non-consumption expenditure e.g. insurance, gifts, donations 

•  Housing conditions and related expenditure 

•  Inventory of durable goods owned by household 

•  Miscellaneous income received by household 

•  Household roster of all members

Special modules

1989 - Activities of daily living, maternal health and fertility 

1990 - Expanded education 

1991 - Expanded Housing 

1992 - Consumption, larger sample size to provide parish data 

1993 - Employment & Time use 

1994 - Social mobility 

1995 - The elderly 

1996 - Client satisfaction with health services, and fostering 

1997 - Employment and earnings, adequacy of income, savings, money borrowed and money lent. 

1998 - No special focus but larger sample size to provide parish data 

1999 - Poverty & Coping strategies

2000 - No focus Topic
2001 - Youth 17 - 29 years

2002 - Environmental issues; Social Safety Net, Crime & Victimisation
2003 - Jamaica living conditions index
2004 - Parenting Module
2005 - Coping Strategies (Head of Household)
2006 - Remittances
2007 - No focus Topic
2008 - Early Childhood Development and Adult Literacy 
2009 - Coping strategies
2010 - Early Childhood Development
2011 - No Survey was conducted
2012 - Early Childhood Development 
2013 - No focus Topic
2014 - No focus Topic
2015 - No focus Topic
2016 - No focus Topic
2017 - No focus Topic
2018 - Time Use
2019 - No focus Topic

3. Sampling Procedure

Stratified random sample 

4. Method of Data Collection

Interviews, anthropometric measurements 


A copy of the  User Undertaking Form  must be signed before data may be accessed from the DATABANK. Alternatively, you many contact the Planning Institute of Jamaica 


Main document -  Jamaica Survey of Living Conditions  a joint publication of the Planning Institute of Jamaica and the Statistical Institute of Jamaica. Survey documentations available on the  Worldbank Website .

Codes  Codes not in questionnaire
Data Set group: 
Last Data Set update: 
Thursday, April 1, 2010