
Show your Pelican Pride through Philanthropy. Support your Alma Mater through the UWI GLOBAL GIVING PROGRAMME. "Connect" with the UWI no matter where you are in the world and assist via sustained care and generosity.

Help build a better University for a better Caribbean and a better world. Attract and keep Faculty who are engaged in every area of interdisciplinary innovation. Create a student body preparing for leadership in a global environment. Scholarships change lives!


Be a part of the UWIAA VOLUNTEER PROGRAMME! Did you know that UWI has an army? Not a traditional military, but an army of  volunteers who are committed individuals who dedicate their time and energy to UWI. They help organize reunions, take part in e-mentorship, give valuable feedback to UWI Committees, and particpate and assist in our alumni and student events.


CONNECT TO THE UWI - Show your Pelican Pride! 

We want you to maintain your UWI Connections and help you to:


PELICAN PERKS ADVANTAGE PROGRAMME: Pelican Perks are designed to benefit both STUDENTS - our future alumni and GRADUATES! Discounts and concessions (Pelican Perks) are available for students through a valid UWI Student ID and for graduates through a UWI Alumni Association (UWIAA) membership card (Annual, Life and Associate). Staff who are alumni are encouraged to join a UWIAA Chapter nearby in order to benefit from this discount programme. Note: It does not matter where you join the UWIAA – benefits are available as follows:



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