SCD Interventions

Included are interventional trials of educational, mental health, investigational drug and gene therapies in persons living with SCD. They range from smaller, investigator- initiated trials; to large international multi-centre trials. All aim to provide high-level evidence about SCD interventions and thus diminish mortality or morbidity, and improve quality of life.

Projects under this programme

  • KNOW-IT Study: A Randomized Control Trial Investigating Effects of An Educational Intervention in Improving Disease Knowledge and Quality of Life of Adolescents with Sickle Cell Disease. Investigators: M. Asnani, A. Barton-Gooden, M. Grindley, J. Knight-Madden
  • Integrating a Parenting Intervention with Routine Care to Improve Parental Psychosocial Functioning and Early Development Outcomes in Children with Sickle Cell Disease. Investigators: Jennifer Knight-Madden, Susan Chang-Lopez, Monika Asnani, Lesley King, Susan Walker
  • Expanding treatment for Existing Neurological Disease (EXTEND): Protocol 4.2. Investigators: Marvin Reid, Jennifer Knight-Madden and Angela E Rankine-Mullings
  • Gene Transfer for Patients with Sickle Cell Disease Using a Gamma Globin Lentivirus Vector: An Open-Label Phase 1/2 Pilot Study. Investigators: Monika Asnani, June Harris, Vanessa Cumming, Jennifer Knight-Madden
  • A Prospective Open Label, Pharmacokinetic Study of An Oral Hydroxyurea Solution in Children with Sickle Cell Anemia. Principal Investigator: Angela E Rankine-Mullings. Investigators: Marvin Reid, Jennifer Knight-Madden 66
  • A Phase 3, Randomized, Controlled Cross-Over Study Assessing the Efficacy of Oral Cannabinoid Capsules for Neuropathic Pain in SCD. Investigators: Monika Asnani, Shelly McFarlane, Justin Grant, Amza Ali (KPH)
  • Modulating Albuminuria to Correct Renal Outcomes (MACRO) Trial: A Multi-Centre, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled, Phase III Clinical Trial of Losartan for the Nephropathy of Sickle Cell Anemia. Principal Investigators: Charles Quinn, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Centre, Cincinnati OH, USA, Punam Malik, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Centre, Cincinnati OH, USA
  • Validating the use of Daily Spleen Stick Readings for the Evaluation of Early Signs of Acute Splenic Sequestration in Children with Sickle Cell Disease. Investigators: Georgiana Gordon-Strachan, Jennifer Knight-Madden, Monika Asnani, Zachary Ramsay, Angela Mullings-Rankine
  • Effects of β-Hydroxy-Β-Methyl Butyrate (HMB) Supplementation and Resistance Exercise on Strength and Body Composition in Sickle Cell Anaemia. Investigators: Grace Junor (PhD student), Asha Badaloo (PI) and Marvin Reid (co-PI).