3 Strategic Goals
Access (AC)
Increasing participation in tertiary and higher education for all with the capacity and desire to learn. This will involve, among other things, ensuring that The UWI offerings (e.g. teaching and learning, student development, consulting, research and public advocacy programmes) reach the underserved and diaspora Caribbean populations and all others with an interest in higher education on all continents.
Alignment (AL)
Building relevant and value-added relationships with alumni and the producers of wealth and promoting government and non-government sectors and international partners by ensuring that The UWI offerings are fulfilling the needs of the society it serves.
Agility (AG)
The UWI using its resources (human and physical) and capabilities to respond to the needs of customers, including alumni, in a changing environment, creating an entrepreneurial university with a diversified revenue base, improving the global presence of the University ensuring economic sustainability through global expansion, operational efficiencies and financial profitability.