Hugh Wynter Institute for Reproductive Healthcare & Endoscopic Surgery


The Hugh Wynter Fertility Management Unit (HWFMU) has a staff complement of 39.  The Unit is headed by a Director. The clinical, outreach and training areas are each led by Co-ordinators.  Staffing consists of an Assistant Director, Consultant Obstetricians/Gynaecologists and Anaesthetist, Information Technology Officer, Nurses, Embryologists, Training Officers, Scrub and Anaesthetic Technicians, Technical Assistants (Operating Room and Theatre), Administrative and Ancillary members.

Administration provides a range of support services.  This is done in collaboration with Human Resource Management Division, Office of Finance, Office of Administration and Maintenance Department.  Strategic plans are developed in collaboration with all sub-units within HWFMU which embody the major goals and objectives for a three year cycle.  The plans are reflective of the UWI’s overall goals to achieve excellence in teaching, research, service delivery and the promotion of regional growth and development.


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