1843 Earthquake

On the 8th Feb 1843 an earthquake occurred affecting Nevis – Charlestown Court House to the ground. Bath house much damaged. Custom House partly down and all the Mills in the island more or less injured, nearly the whole of the town destroyed, most of the wood built houses are left standing, all the stone buildings are so injured that they must be taken down and rebuilt, estimated damage at £50,000 only 2 Mills on the island that can be worked.
St. Christopher – Basseterre Church irreparably injured. The Churches of St. Peter’s, St. Mary’s, Cayon, P. Point, Old Road, and Sandy Point are materially injured The town of Basseterre has suffered severely. Wall House in the square down. Part of the Reading Room – Mr. Matthew’s Store -all down. The House occupied by the Director of the West India Bank nearly down, and every stone building in town so much injured, that it will be necessary to take down many of them. One house in town partly sunk into the cellar. All the Estates throughout the island much injured. Steam Engines, Boiling Houses, Dwelling Houses, and works, levelled with the earth. The works of the Bevon Island Estate thrown into a ravine below them. The loss of property in stores, furniture, etc., very great. Four Mile Bridge undermined.

Source: https://goo.gl/T87EWh


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