Hurricane Dean 2007

From the data collected, it is possible to ascertain that the major damage caused by Dean
was inflicted on the agricultural sector. In that regard it is not surprising that the most significant
group of persons affected by the hurricane would be farmers. As a consequence of Hurricane
Dean, one person, a farmer, rescuing his cow from a flooded river, lost his life. Preliminary data
from the Agricultural Census, 2007, is presented in table 2.

Based on preliminary data it can be ascertained that some 22,738 persons or 47 per cent
of the population already deemed vulnerable were severely affected by Hurricane Dean. Of
those, males appeared to outnumber females 3:1. This may have to do with fact that there are
significantly larger proportions of farms held by males than females, and the severely affected
population came mainly from among the farming community.


Taken from these original sources
UNECLAC (2007 )


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