2018 Earthquake

An earthquake of magnitude 5.9 occurred 20km north of Port-de-Paix (North-West department) Saturday, October 6, at 8:10pm local time (New York time). This was followed by two aftershocks Sunday of magnitude 5.2 was located 10 kilometers deep and 16 kilometers north-northwest of Port-de-Paix and Monday at around 4 p.m. The second, of magnitude 4.2 located at 10 kilometers deep and 32 kilometers north-northwest of Port-de-Paix. According to the last SitRep from the Directorate of Civil Protection (DPC) (October 8, 1 P.M), the seism resulted in the death of 17 people - 9 in Port-de-Paix (North-West department), 1 in Saint Louis du Nord (North-West department) and 7 in Gros Morne (Artibonite department) – and 427 persons wounded. Most of the persons seriously wounded were cared for in local health infrastructure while seriously wounded was evacuated. Search and rescue operations ended on Monday October 8 and there was no reported case of missing persons or displacement thus ending the emergency phase of the disaster. According to initial estimates by the DPC, 7,783 households are affected by the partial or total destruction of their homes and requires support.
According to DPC, 353 homes are destroyed and 7,430 are severely or slightly damaged. Most of the damage was recorded in Port-de-Paix (North-West) and Gros Morne (Artibonite). According to DPC, 42 institutional buildings (schools, churches and others institutional buildings) are severely or slightly damaged in Gros Morne (Artibonite) and 4 national and private schools are destroyed in Pilate (North). 4 national and private schools were destroyed in Pilate (North)

Source: https://goo.gl/ZfRFXF


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