Tropical Storm Nicole 2010

Data on the directly affected population was generally not provided by gender. However, in terms of death and injuries, males fared worse than females. Males accounted for 75% of mortality and 74% of the injured. It is known that males account for the majority of farmers and would account for the majority of the approximately 17,000 domestic crop farmers and 1700 livestock farmers whose property crops and livestock were damaged.

Sixteen persons reportedly lost their lives as a result of the event, 14 of whom have been confirmed dead. Among those who perished were six children between 0 (newborn) and 14 years of age (Table 7). Nine persons died by drowning and 10 by crush injury.

Among those who died, were six persons in Sandy Park, St. Andrew, whose two-bedroom house collapsed into the Sandy Gully, and three men who were crushed to death when a retaining wall collapsed on the shed in which they were sleeping in Norbrook Heights. A five-year old girl also lost her life when a tree fell on the house where she was sleeping in Christian Pen, St. Catherine. In addition, 42 persons (31 males and 11 females) with injuries related to the weather event were treated at hospitals since September 28, 2010. Nine of the injured were admitted to hospital. Three persons sustained injuries when their vehicle overturned on the Toll Road near Hill Run, St Catherine while five persons were injured during the microburst episode in Savanna-la-Mar, Westmoreland. As at October 3, 2010, two persons were still reported missing – an 11 year old from Sandy Park, Kingston and St. Andrew and an 81 year old from Riversdale, St. Catherine. Males suffered the brunt of injury and death accounting for 75 per cent of the deceased and 74 per cent of the injured


Taken from these original sources
PIOJ (2010)


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