Natural disaters belonging to Hurricane category

Hurricane Flora 1963

After leaving the Southern Windwards, hurricane Flora moved on a fairly smooth and regular track toward the southwestern Haitian peninsula gradually acquiring a more northward component. The vortex entered the Haitian south coast at Côtes-de-Fer and calms were noted at Fonds-des-Nègres and Anse-à-Veau. Winds of 102 m.p.h were noted at Côtes-de-Fer

Hurricane Hazel 1954

Considerable damage and loss of life resulted in Haiti, especially in the southwest peninsula. This area is very mountainous, with peaks up to almost 8000 feet in the western portion. High winds and seas and torrential rains resulted in floods and landslides which accounted for the loss of life estimated between 400 and 1000 including 200 or more buried in landslides.

Hurricane Matthew 2016

Hurricane Matthew was a category 4 storm that violently struck parts of Haiti on 4 October and resulted in the largest humanitarian emergency since the 2010 earthquake. caused a catastrophic amount of damage to Haiti’s infrastructure and agricultural industry, it caused extensive flooding and mudslides, damage to road infrastructure and buildings, and electricity and water shortages. As of 14 October 2016, the Directorate of Civil Protection (CPD) of Haiti had confirmed 546 deaths, 438 injuries and 128 people missing
